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2018-2022年,示范中心教师指导学生发表论文300 余篇、学科竞赛获奖540 余项,授权发明专利56 项,其中固定教师指导论文70 余篇、学生获奖人数100 余名、授权发明专利4 项。



[1] Luping Chen, Xue Wang, Yan Zhu, and Rencan Nie. Multi-level difference information replenishment for medical image fusion. Applied Intelligence, 53:4579–4591, 2022.

[2] Zheng Guan, Yang Hu, Zhijun Yang, Min He, and Marco Anisetti. A fairness‐aware distributed dual‐hop heterogeneous half and full‐duplex link scheduling for 6g network. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, 33, 2021.

[3] Zheng Guan, Xue Wang, Rencan Nie, Shishuang Yu, and Chengchao Wang. Ncdcn: multi-focus image fusion via nest connection and dilated convolution network. Applied Intelligence, 52:15883– 15898, 2022.

[4] Zheng Guan, Yuyang Wang, and Min He. Deep reinforcement learning-based spectrum allocation algorithm in internet of vehicles discriminating services. Applied Sciences, 2022.

[5] Shuang Liang, Rencan Nie, Jinde Cao, Xue Wang, and Gucheng Zhang. Fcf: Feature complement fusion network for detecting covid-19 through ct scan images. Applied Soft Computing, 125:109111– 109111, 2022.

[6] Dahua Lv, Yuanyuan Pu, and Rencan Nie. Linegan: An image colourisation method combined with a line art network. IET Comput. Vis., 16:403–417, 2022.

[7] Meng Tang, Guofeng Zeng, Yanru Yang, and Jianhua Chen. A hyperchaotic image encryption scheme based on the triple dislocation of the liu and lorenz system. Optik, 2022.

[8] Chengchao Wang, Rencan Nie, Jinde Cao, Xue Wang, and Ying Zhang. Ignfusion: An unsupervised information gate network for multimodal medical image fusion. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 16:854–868, 2022.

[9] Xue Wang, Zheng Guan, Shishuang Yu, Jinde Cao, and Ya Li. Infrared and visible image fusion via decoupling network. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 71:1–13, 2022.

[10] Hao Wu, Shaowei Qin, Rencan Nie, Jinde Cao, and Sergey Gorbachev. Effective collaborative representation learning for multilabel text categorization. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 33:5200–5214, 2021.

[11] Xin-Ying Xiao, Yuanyuan Pu, Zhengpeng Zhao, Ren qi Nie, Dan Xu, Wenhua Qian, and Hao Wu. Image – text sentiment analysis via context guided adaptive fine-tuning transformer. Neural Processing Letters, 2022.

[12] Xiaofei Yang, Rencan Nie, Gucheng Zhang, Luping Chen, and He Li. Dpafnet: A multistage dense-parallel attention fusion network for pansharpening. Remote. Sens., 14:5539, 2022.1

[13] Gucheng Zhang, Ren qi Nie, and Jinde Cao. Ssl-waeie: Self-supervised learning with weighted auto-encoding and information exchange for infrared and visible image fusion. IEEE CAA J. Autom. Sinica, 9:1694–1697, 2022.

[14] Gucheng Zhang, Ren qi Nie, Jinde Cao, Luping Chen, and Yan Zhu. Fdgnet: A pair feature difference guided network for multimodal medical image fusion. Biomed. Signal Process. Control., 81:104545, 2023.

[15] Yan Zhu, Xue Wang, Luping Chen, and Rencan Nie. Cefusion: Multi-modal medical image fusion via cross encoder. IET Image Process., 16:3177–3189, 2022.


[1] Zhaisheng Ding, Dongming Zhou, Haiyan Li, Ruichao Hou, and Yanyu Liu. Siamese networks and multi-scale local extrema scheme for multimodal brain medical image fusion. Biomed. Signal Process. Control., 68:102697, 2021.

[2] Yanbu Guo, Dongming Zhou, Weihua Li, Jinde Cao, Rencan Nie, Lei Xiong, and Xiaoli Ruan. Identifying polyadenylation signals with biological embedding via self-attentive gated convolutional highway networks. Appl. Soft Comput., 103:107133, 2021.

[3] Miao Li, Dongming Zhou, Rencan Nie, Shidong Xie, and Yanyu Liu. Ambcr: Low-light image enhancement via attention guided multi-branch construction and retinex theory. IET Image Process., 15:2020–2038, 2021.

[4] Yanyu Liu, Ruichao Hou, Dongming Zhou, Rencan Nie, Zhaisheng Ding, Yanbu Guo, and Li Zhao. Multimodal medical image fusion based on the spectral total variation and local structural patch measurement. International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, 31:391 – 411, 2020.

[5] Jiatian Mei, Dongming Zhou, Jinde Cao, Rencan Nie, and Yanbu Guo. Hdinet: Hierarchical dual-sensor interaction network for rgbt tracking. IEEE Sensors Journal, 21(15):16915–16926, 2021.

[6] Rencan Nie, Jinde Cao, Dongming Zhou, and Wenhua Qian. Multi-source information exchange encoding with pcnn for medical image fusion. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 31(3):986–1000, 2021.

[7] Yuanyuan Pu, Jie Chen, and Derek B. Apel. Deep and confident prediction for a laboratory earthquake. Neural Computing and Applications, 33:11691 – 11701, 2021.

[8] Jun Xu, Yuanyuan Pu, Rencan Nie, Dan Xu, Zhengpeng Zhao, and Wenhua Qian. Virtual try-on network with attribute transformation and local rendering. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 23:2222–2234, 2021.

[9] Yongsheng Zang, Dongming Zhou, Changcheng Wang, Rencan Nie, and Yanbu Guo. Ufa-fuse: A novel deep supervised and hybrid model for multifocus image fusion. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 70:1–17, 2021.

[10] Gucheng Zhang, Ren qi Nie, and Jinde Cao. Ssl-waeie: Self-supervised learning with weighted auto-encoding and information exchange for infrared and visible image fusion. IEEE CAA J. Autom. Sinica, 9:1694–1697, 2022.

[11] Heng Zhang, Yuanyuan Pu, Rencan Nie, Dan Xu, Zhengpeng Zhao, and Wenhua Qian. Multimodal image synthesis combining content-style adaptive normalization and attentive normalization. Comput. Graph., 98:48–57, 2021.1

[12] 唐猛,李海华,谢灵运. 多中继物理层网络编码系统加密设计及安全性能研究[j]. 云南大学学报(自然科学版), 43(04):652–662, 2021.

[13] 官铮,吕伟,贾徭. 预约式两级调度带内全双工接入控制策略研究[j]. 计算机科学, 48(S2):464–470,2021.

[14] 官铮,邓扬琳,聂仁灿. 光谱重建约束非负矩阵分解的高光谱与全色图像融合[j]. 计算机科学, 48(09):153–159, 2021.

[15] 寸轩懿,周丽华. 异质信息网络中基于邻接熵的影响力最大化[j]. 计算机应用研究, 38(11):3304–3309, 2021.

[16] 徐俊,普园媛,徐丹. 基于款式变换和局部渲染相结合的虚拟试衣研究[j]. 太原理工大学学报, 52(01):95–104, 2021.

[17] 王长城,周冬明,刘琰煜,谢诗冬. 基于层次注意力的图像超分辨率重建[j]. 无线电工程, 51(11):1245–1253, 2021.

[18] 石克翔,保利勇,丁洪伟等. 基于生成时间序列均匀优化的混沌人工蜂群算法[j]. 计算机科学, 48(07):270–280, 2021.

[19] 童林,官铮. 改进鲸鱼优化支持向量机的交通流量模糊粒化预测[j]. 计算机应用, 41(10):2919–2927, 2021.

[20] 童林,官铮,杨文韬等. 区分交通流模式的混合服务路口信号控制策略[j]. 控制与决策, 36(06):1509–1515, 2021.

[21] 童林,官铮,杨文韬等. 潜在低秩表示下vsm 联合pcnn 的红外与可见光图像融合[j]. 国外电子测量技术, 40(10):84–90, 2021.

[22] 臧永盛,周冬明,王长城,聂仁灿. 多尺度形态聚焦测量和优化随机游走的多聚焦图像融合算法[j]. 云南大学学报(自然科学版), 43(01):23 – 32, 2021.


[1] Zhaisheng Ding, Dongming Zhou, Rencan Nie, Ruichao Hou, and Yanyu Liu. Brain medical image fusion based on dual-branch cnns in nsst domain. BioMed Research International, 2020, 2020.

[2] Ruichao Hou, Dongming Zhou, Rencan Nie, Dong Liu, Lei Xiong, Yanbu Guo, and Chuanbo Yu. Vif-net: An unsupervised framework for infrared and visible image fusion. IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, 6:640–651, 2020.

[3] Yanyu Liu, Dongming Zhou, Rencan Nie, Ruichao Hou, and Zhaisheng Ding. Construction of high dynamic range image based on gradient information transformation. IET Image Process.,

14:1327–1338, 2020.

[4] Yanyu Liu, Dongming Zhou, Rencan Nie, Ruichao Hou, Zhaisheng Ding, Yanbu Guo, and Jinwei Zhou. Robust spiking cortical model and total-variational decomposition for multimodal medical image fusion. Biomed. Signal Process. Control., 61:101996, 2020.

[5] Shaowei Qin, Hao Wu, Rencan Nie, and Jun He. Deep model with neighborhood-awareness for text tagging. Knowl. Based Syst., 196:105750, 2020.

[6] Xiaoli Ruan, Dongming Zhou, Rencan Nie, and Yanbu Guo. Predictions of apoptosis proteins by integrating different features based on improving pseudo-position-specific scoring matrix. BioMed Research International, 2020, 2020.

[7] Hao Wu, Qimin Zhou, Rencan Nie, and Jinde Cao. Effective metric learning with co-occurrence embedding for collaborative recommendations. Neural networks : the official journal of the International Neural Network Society, 124:308–318, 2020.

[8] Caining Zhang, Xiaopeng Guo, Xiaoya Guo, David S. Molony, Huaguang Li, Habib Samady, Don P. Giddens, Lambros S. Athanasiou, Dalin Tang, Rencan Nie, and Jinde Cao. Machine learning model comparison for automatic segmentation of intracoronary optical coherence tomography and plaque cap thickness quantification. Cmes-computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 123:631–646, 2020.

[9] 丁斋生,周冬明,聂仁灿等. 结合多尺度局部极值分解和scm 模型的医学图像融合方法[j]. 计算机应用与软件, 37(07):142–147, 2020.

[10] 何敏,吴帮吕,孙飞飞等. 车载自组网v2i 通信中可休眠轮询接入控制策略性能分析[j]. 东南大学学报(自然科学版), 50(01):39–45, 2020.

[11] 王志伟,普园媛,王鑫等. 基于多特征融合的多尺度服装图像精准化检索[j]. 计算机学报, 43(04):740–754, 2020.1

[12] 胡宝晶,黄铭,黎鹏等. 基于纳米盘棒耦合的多频段等离激元诱导透明研究[j]. 物理学报, 69(13):179–186, 2020.

[13] 胡宝晶,黄铭,黎鹏等. 基于纳米金属-石墨烯耦合的多频段等离激元诱导透明[j]. 物理学报, 69(17):255–264, 2020.


[1] Zheng Guan, Yaoyao Jia, and Min He. A bidirectional polling mac mechanism for iot. Electronics,2019.

[2] Xiaopeng Guo, Rencan Nie, Jinde Cao, Dongming Zhou, Liye Mei, and Kangjian He. Fusegan: Learning to fuse multi-focus image via conditional generative adversarial network. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 21(8):1982–1996, 2019.

[3] Zejun Han, Jundong Yang, Liyong Bao, Min He, and Hongwei Ding. Theoretical analysis of conflict decomposition between isolated tri-tree and improved tri-tree. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2018.

[4] Min He, Zheng Guan, Liyong Bao, Zhaoxu Zhou, Marco Anisetti, Ernesto Damiani, and Gwanggil Jeon. Performance analysis of a polling-based access control combining with the sleeping schema in v2i vanets for smart cities. Sustainability, 2019.

[5] Min He, Zheng Guan, Zhangyong Wu, Liang Lü, Zhaoxu Zhou, Marco Anisetti, and Ernesto Damiani. A polling access control with exhaustive service in wireless body area networks for mobile healthcare using the sleeping schema. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 10:3761 – 3774, 2019.

[6] Ruichao Hou, Rencan Nie, Dongming Zhou, Jinde Cao, and Dong Liu. Infrared and visible images fusion using visual saliency and optimized spiking cortical model in non-subsampled shearlet transform domain. Multimedia Tools and Applications, pages 1–24, 2019.

[7] Ruichao Hou, Dongming Zhou, Rencan Nie, Dong Liu, and Xiaoli Ruan. Brain ct and mri medical image fusion using convolutional neural networks and a dual-channel spiking cortical model. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 57:887–900, 2018.

[8] Rencan Nie, Jinde Cao, Dongming Zhou, and Wenhua Qian. Analysis of pulse period for passive neuron in pulse coupled neural network. Math. Comput. Simul., 155:277–289, 2019.

[9] Rencan Nie, Min He, Jinde Cao, Dongming Zhou, and Zifei Liang. Pulse coupled neural network based mri image enhancement using classical visual receptive field for smarter mobile healthcare. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, pages 1–12, 2018.大学学报(自然科学版)

[10] 侯瑞超,周冬明,聂仁灿等. 结合hsi 变换与双通道脉冲发放皮层的彩色多聚焦图像融合[J]. 云南, 41(02):245–252, 2019.(自然科学版)

[11] 刘琰煜,周冬明,聂仁灿等. 低秩表示和字典学习的红外与可见光图像融合算法[J]. 云南大学学报, 41(04):689–698, 2019.

[12] 张艳,陈建华,唐猛. 多层中继网络上的分布式lt 码[J]. 电子与信息学报, 41(07):1548–1554, 2019.


[1] Xiaopeng Guo, Rencan Nie, Jinde Cao, Dongming Zhou, and Wenhua Qian. Fully convolutional network-based multifocus image fusion. Neural Computation, 30:1775–1800, 2018.

[2] Kangjian He, Dongming Zhou, Xuejie Zhang, and Rencan Nie. Infrared and visible image fusion combining interesting region detection and nonsubsampled contourlet transform. J. Sensors,2018:5754702:1–5754702:15, 2018.

[3] Kangjian He, Dongming Zhou, Xuejie Zhang, Rencan Nie, and Xin Jin. Multi-focus image fusioncombining focus-region-level partition and pulse-coupled neural network. Soft Computing,23:4685–4699, 2019.

[4] Fan Huang, Dongming Zhou, Rencan Nie, and Chuanbo Yu. A color multi-exposure image fusionapproach using structural patch decomposition. IEEE Access, 6:42877–42885, 2018.

[5] Xin Jin, Qian Jiang, Shaowen Yao, Dongming Zhou, Rencan Nie, Shin-Jye Lee, Shin-Jye Lee,and Kangjian He. Infrared and visual image fusion method based on discrete cosine transform and local spatial frequency in discrete stationary wavelet transform domain. Infrared Physics & Technology, 88:1–12, 2018.

[6] Rencan Nie, Jinde Cao, Dongming Zhou, and Wenhua Qian. Analysis of pulse period for passive neuron in pulse coupled neural network. Math. Comput. Simul., 155:277–289, 2019.

[7] Rencan Nie, Min He, Jinde Cao, Dongming Zhou, and Zifei Liang. Pulse coupled neural network based mri image enhancement using classical visual receptive field for smarter mobile healthcare. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, pages 1–12, 2018.

[8] Zhi Xu, Hongwei Ding, Qianlin Liu, Zhijun Yang, Liyong Bao, and Gang Zhan. Fpga-based research of monitoring mpdcpd-csma protocol in cognitive wireless networks. J. Intell. Fuzzy Syst., 35:1353–1361, 2018.

[9] Chuanbo Yu, Rencan Nie, and Dongming Zhou. A regularized locality projection-base sparsity discriminant analysis for face recognition. Int. J. Pattern Recognit. Artif. Intell.,32:1856006:1–1856006:19, 2018.

[10] 于传波,聂仁灿,周冬明等. 改进型低秩线性回归新方法[j]. 计算机科学, 45(S1):151–156, 2018.

[11] 侯瑞超,周冬明,聂仁灿等. 结合nsst 与优化脉冲发放皮层模型的红外与可见光图像融合[j]. 计算机应用, 38(S1):202–207+239, 2018.

[12] 侯瑞超,周冬明,聂仁灿等. 结合视觉显著性与dual-pcnn 的红外与可见光图像融合[j]. 计算机科学, 45(S1):162–166, 2018.

[13] 刘栋,聂仁灿,周冬明等. 结合nsst 与ga 参数优化pcnn 图像融合[j]. 计算机工程与应用,54(19):158–163+171, 2018.

[14] 徐智,丁洪伟,何敏等. 基于fpga 双优先级p 坚持csma 协议的研究[j]. 云南大学学报(自然科学版), 40(03):423–430, 2018.

[15] 邱爽,聂仁灿,周冬明等. 自归一化卷积神经网络的人脸识别方法[j]. 云南大学学报(自然科学版),40(04):659–664, 2018.


序号 专利名称 专利授权号 获准国别 完成人 类型 类别
1 基于改进PSSM进行特征提取与融合的蛋白质亚核定位方法 CN109448787B 中国 聂仁灿 发明专利 合作完成-第一人
2 一种基于聚类的5g移动业务投诉溯源分析方法 CN113360647B 中国 胡矿 发明专利 合作完成-其它
3 一种基于移动业务的推荐类型确定方法及系统 CN113342964B 中国 胡矿 发明专利 合作完成-其它
4 一种安全护具佩戴检测方法及系统 CN113792584A 中国 胡矿 发明专利 合作完成-其它